Differentiate between Sale and Hire Purchase Agreement

Sale and hire purchase agreements are two of the most common methods of purchasing goods, especially in the retail industry. While both of these agreements allow you to take possession of goods, they differ in the ownership and payment structures. In this article, we will help you differentiate between sale and hire purchase agreements.

Sale Agreement

In a sale agreement, the ownership of the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer after the payment is made. It is a simple and straightforward transaction where the buyer pays the full amount upfront or in installments agreed upon by the parties. Once the payment is made, the seller transfers the title of ownership to the buyer.

For instance, if you go to a car dealership and buy a car, the ownership of the car will be transferred to you once you pay the full amount. The dealer has no right to repossess the car, and you can sell it or modify it as per your wish.

Hire Purchase Agreement

A hire purchase agreement, on the other hand, is a form of installment payment where the ownership of the goods is not transferred to the buyer until the final payment is made. Under this agreement, the buyer pays an initial deposit followed by regular installments over a specified period. The seller retains the ownership of the goods until the final payment is made.

For example, if you want to buy a car but cannot afford to pay the full amount upfront, you can opt for a hire purchase agreement. In this case, you will pay an initial deposit and then pay regular installments over a period of two to five years. Once the final payment is made, the ownership of the car will be transferred to you.

Key Differences

Now that we have understood the basic differences between sale and hire purchase agreements, here are some key differences that will help you distinguish between the two:

– Ownership: In a sale agreement, the ownership of goods is transferred to the buyer once the full payment is made. In a hire purchase agreement, the seller retains the ownership of the goods until the final payment is made.

– Payment structure: In a sale agreement, the buyer pays the full amount upfront or in installments agreed upon by the parties. In a hire purchase agreement, the buyer pays an initial deposit followed by regular installments over a specified period.

– Repossession: Under a sale agreement, the seller cannot repossess the goods once the full payment is made. However, under a hire purchase agreement, the seller can repossess the goods if the buyer fails to make the required payments.


In conclusion, sale and hire purchase agreements are two different methods of purchasing goods. While a sale agreement results in the immediate transfer of ownership to the buyer, a hire purchase agreement involves installment payments over a specified period with the ownership of goods retained by the seller until the final payment is made. It is important to understand the differences between these agreements before making any purchases to avoid any confusion or legal issues in the future.

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